Con Nico, Carol, y su mascota, vamos a iniciar un fabuloso viaje a través de la economía. Seguro que alguna vez te habrás preguntado cómo surgieron los primeros billetes y monedas, pues el dinero no cae del cielo y ganarlo o perderlo tiene sus riesgos y no siempre la misma rentabilidad. Comenzaremos hablando sobre el origen del dinero para ir descubriendo, poco a poco, qué es un presupuesto y cómo se hace, qué peligros y qué ventajas supone tener dinero, qué significa la palabra inflación, y por qué no conviene dejar dormir nuestros ahorros plácidamente, mientras el monstruo de la inflación se los come. Nico y Carol te enseñarán qué significa ahorrar e invertir, qué son gastos e ingresos y una fórmula mágica para que el dinero no pierda valor con el paso del tiempo y sepas qué profesionales nos pueden ayudan a conseguir que nuestro dinero crezca. Mediante explicaciones sencillas, ejemplos, curiosidades, tiras cómicas y unas magníficas ilustraciones, comprenderás palabras que escuchas a tus padres o en la radio, que lees en prensa, libros e internet, y que ahora no sabes qué significan. Quién sabe, quizá después de leer este libro, ¡decidas hacerte un experto en finanzas!
Happy birthday, Carol! You’ve reached the age of majority! Carol is 18 years old and has the right to vote. Accompanied by Nico, she'll become informed, reflect and, if she decides to vote, will do so freely, without being manipulated or pressured by anything or anyone: she doesn't want to be a zombie. Together they'll help you recall the origins of Parliament and the French Revolution, discovering what is meant by separation of powers, monarchy, democracy and political ideologies. You'll find out how a government raises money and how it is used, as well as its responsibilities and those of citizens. Through simple explanations, examples, interesting facts, comic strips and some fabulous illustrations, you'll understand the meaning of terms like GDP, per capita income, universal suffrage or rating agency. So that you too can be free to make your decisions.
In this book Nico and Carol wonder what they’ll do when they graduate. Join them to find out how the first companies were started, what it means to be an entrepreneur, how they create necessary value for society, as well as the ghosts that haunt them. They’ll teach you how to form your own company based on a product you’ve invented or an opportunity that’s worth taking. Your company will be organized with a small investment (or heart, much like the human body), and will continue growing thanks to the contributions of valuable team members in various areas: production, accounting, human resources... Through simple explanations, examples, interesting facts, comic strips and fabulous illustrations, you’ll start to make sense of words that you hear on a daily basis, but likely don’t fully understand. You will finish the book by earning your responsible entrepreneur certificate.
In this book Nico and Carol wonder what to do with their savings. With them you will learn how the first bills and coins were born, since money does not grow on trees, and gaining or losing it has a risk and not always the same return. They will teach you what it is to save and invest, how to create a budget and what professionals help us to invest well and prevent the monster of inflation from eating our savings. Through simple explanations, examples, curiosities, comic strips and magnificent illustrations, you will understand words that you hear your parents say every day, but didn’t know the meaning. Learn to be a responsible investor, solving the mysteries of finance!
In this book Nico and Carol wonder what they’ll do when they graduate. Join them to find out how the first companies were started, what it means to be an entrepreneur, how they create necessary value for society, as well as the ghosts that haunt them. They’ll teach you how to form your own company based on a product you’ve invented or an opportunity that’s worth taking. Your company will be organized with a small investment (or heart, much like the human body), and will continue growing thanks to the contributions of valuable team members in various areas: production, accounting, human resources... Through simple explanations, examples, interesting facts, comic strips and fabulous illustrations, you’ll start to make sense of words that you hear on a daily basis, but likely don’t fully understand. You will finish the book by earning your responsible entrepreneur certificate.
In this book Nico and Carol wonder what to do with their savings. With them you will learn how the first bills and coins were born, since money does not grow on trees, and gaining or losing it has a risk and not always the same return. They will teach you what it is to save and invest, how to create a budget and what professionals help us to invest well and prevent the monster of inflation from eating our savings. Through simple explanations, examples, curiosities, comic strips and magnificent illustrations, you will understand words that you hear your parents say every day, but didn’t know the meaning. Learn to be a responsible investor, solving the mysteries of finance!
In questo primo viaggio Nico e Carol si domandano che cosa faranno quando diventeranno grandi. Con loro scoprirai come nacquero le prime imprese, cosa significa essere imprenditori, quali difficoltà si dovranno affrontare e come si potrà apportare valore aggiunto alla società. Ti insegneranno a creare la tua impresa, concepita intorno ad un prodotto che hai inventato, o su una opportunità che merita di essere sviluppata e pertanto realizzata. Come un corpo umano, l'impresa nascerà con un piccolo cuore, ossia il capitale iniziale, sommato al valore aggiunto delle persone coinvolte in aree come la produzione, la contabilità, le risorse umane, ecc. Con facili spiegazioni, esempi, curiosità, fumetti e magnifiche illustrazioni, imparerai il significato delle parole che ascolti quotidianamente ma che non conosci, arrivando ad ottenere il tuo certificato di imprenditore responsabile. Scopri il tuo spirito imprenditoriale e l'appassionante mondo delle imprese!
In questo libro Carol, Nico e mi chiedo che cosa fare con i loro risparmi. Così imparerai quando sono nate le prime banconote di carta e le prime monete, perché i soldi… non cadono dal cielo!!! Imparerai che cos’è il risparmio e l’investimento, come si fa un preventivo e chi sono i professionisti che ci possono aiutare ad investire meglio per evitare che il mostro dell’inflazione “si divori” tutti i nostri risparmi. Pieno di spiegazioni, divertenti illustrazioni, esempi e curiosità, capirai cosa vogliono dire le parole che ascolti sempre dai tuoi genitori o in tivù e non sai cosa vogliono dire. Impara ad essere un investitore responsabile, decifrante gli enigmi delle finanze!
Consigue ahora el pack de los 4 libros de la colección de Educación Financiera Básica a un precio inigualable.
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¡Además, los gastos de envío gratis! (Envíos a península)
Carol ha cumplido 18 años.
¡Felicidades Carol, ya eres mayor de edad!
Carol se fija en un cartel en el que un partido político pide el voto a los ciudadanos. De pronto, cae en la cuenta de que ella ya puede votar ¡pero no sabe muy bien qué debe hacer!
Si crees que la decisión de votar o no votar, requiere preparación previa, ¡este es tu libro!
En él encontrarás información objetiva, sencilla y didáctica, que puede ayudarte a resolver buena parte de tus dudas.
¿Te has parado a pensar qué ocurriría en un país si nadie trabajase? Nico y Carol se plantean este supuesto, así como el contrario: que todos los ciudadanos pudiesen hacerlo. Con nuestros protagonistas sabrás quienes son los tres agentes económicos de un país y entenderás cómo interactúan entre ellos en estas dos situaciones límite. El objetivo pretendido al reflexionar sobre dos situaciones opuestas, es entender que todos formamos parte del “universo” económico. Por eso, las decisiones de los consumidores, de las empresas, y de los gobiernos, que deben controlar sus ingresos y gastos para no quebrar, afectan al bienestar económico general.
Carol se pregunta qué hará al finalizar sus estudios. Ella quiere crear una empresa y su hermano Nico pretende venderle sus inventos. Sin embargo, emprender significa mucho más que crear o inventar, significa sacar adelante un negocio rentable partiendo de una buena idea. De la mano de Nico y Carol conocerás qué significa tener espíritu emprendedor, los logros de muchos emprendedores a lo largo de la historia, y la importancia del esfuerzo, los conocimientos y los valores para que ese espíritu no se pierda. Está en todas las profesiones cuando los emprendedores no solo buscan su propio beneficio, sino el de toda la sociedad.